Discussion Papers 2008
2008.1 A Monte Carlo EM Algorithm for the Estimation of a Logistic Auto-logistic Model with Missing Data, Marco Bee and Giuseppe Espa
(download paper)
2008.2 Adaptive microfoundations for emergent macroeconomics, Edoardo Gaffeo, Domenico Delli Gatti, Saul Desiderio and Mauro Gallegati
(download paper)
2008.3 A look at the relationship between industrial dynamics and aggregate fluctuations, Domenico Delli Gatti, Edoardo Gaffeo and Mauro Gallegati
(download paper)
2008.4 Demand Distribution Dynamics in Creative Industries: the Market for Books in Italy, Edoardo Gaffeo, Antonello E. Scorci and Laura Vici
(download paper)
2008.5 On the mean/variance relationship of the firm size distribution: evidence and some theory, Edoardo Gaffeo, Corrado di Guilmi, Mauro Gallegati and Alberto Russo
(download paper)
2008.6 Uncomputability and Undecidability in Economic Theory, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2008.7 The Mathematization of Macroeconomics: A Recursive Revolution, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2008.8 Natural disturbances and natural hazards in mountain forests: a framework for the economic valuation, Sandra Notaro and Alessandro Paletto
(download paper)
2008.9 Does forest damage have an economic impact? A case study from the Italian Alps, Sandra Notaro, Alessandro Paletto and Roberta Raffaelli
(download paper)
2008.10 Compliance by believing: an experimental exploration on social norms and impartial agreements, Marco Faillo, Stefania Ottone and Lorenzo Sacconi
(download paper)
2008.11 You Won the Battle. What about the War? A Model of Competition between Proprietary and Open Source Software, Riccardo Leoncini, Francesco Rentocchini and Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti
(download paper)
2008.12 Minsky’s Upward Instability: the Not-Too-Keynesian Optimism of a Financial Cassandra, Elisabetta De Antoni
(download paper)
2008.13 A theoretical analysis of the relationship between social capital and corporate social responsibility: concepts and definitions, Lorenzo Sacconi and Giacomo Degli Antoni
(download paper)
2008.14 Conformity, reciprocity and the sense of justice. How social contract-based preferences and beliefs explain norm compliance: the experimental evidence, Lorenzo Sacconi and Marco Faillo
(download paper)
2008.15 The macroeconomics of imperfect capital markets. Whither saving-investment imbalances?, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2008.16 Financial constraints and firm export behavior, Flora Bellone, Patrick Musso, Lionel Nesta and Stefano Schiavo
(download paper)
2008.17 Why do firms invest abroad? An analysis of the motives underlying Foreign Direct Investments, Chiara Franco, Francesco Rentocchini and Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti
(download paper)
2008.18 CSR as contractarian model of multi-stakeholder corporate governance and the game-theory of its implementation, Lorenzo Sacconi
(download paper)
2008.19 Managing Agricultural Price Risk in Developing Countries, Julie Dana and Christopher L. Gilbert
(download paper)
2008.20 Commodity Speculation and Commodity Investment, Christopher L. Gilbert
(download paper)
2008.21 Inspection games with long-run inspectors, Luciano Andreozzi
(download paper)
2008.22 Property Rights and Investments: An Evolutionary Approach, Luciano Andreozzi
(download paper)
2008.23 How to Understand High Food Prices, Christopher L. Gilbert
(download paper)
2008.24 Trade-imbalances networks and exchange rate adjustments: The paradox of a new Plaza, Andrea Fracasso and Stefano Schiavo
(download paper)
2008.25 The process of convergence towards the euro for the Visegrad-4 countries, Giuliana Passamani
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2007
2007.1 The asymptotic loss distribution in a fat-tailed factor model of portfolio credit risk, Marco Bee
(download paper)
2007.2 Sraffa's Mathematical Economics - A Constructive Interpretation, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2007.3 Variations on the Theme of Conning in Mathematical Economics, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2007.4 Norm compliance: the contribution of behavioral economics models, Marco Faillo and Lorenzo Sacconi
(download paper)
2007.5 A class of spatial econometric methods in the empirical analysis of clusters of firms in the space, Giuseppe Arbia and Giuseppe Espa and Danny Quah
(download paper)
2007.6 Rescuing the LM (and the money market) in a modern Macro course, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2007.7 Family, Partnerships, and Network: Reflections on the Strategies of the Salvadori Firm of Trento (17th-18th Centuries), Cinzia Lorandini
(download paper)
2007.8 I Verleger serici trentino-tirolesi nei rapporti tra Nord e Sud: un approccio prosopografico, Cinzia Lorandini
(download paper)
2007.9 A framework for cut-off sampling in business survey design, Marco Bee and Roberto Benedetti and Giuseppe Espa
(download paper)
2007.10 Spatial models for flood risk assessment, Marco Bee and Roberto Benedetti and Giuseppe Espa
(download paper)
2007.11 Inequality across cohorts of households: evidence from Italy, Gabriella Berloffa and Paola Villa
(download paper)
2007.12 Cultural relativism and ideological policy makers in a dynamic model with endogenous preferences, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2007.13 Optimal public policy and endogenous preferences: an application to an economy with for-profit and non-profit enterprises, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2007.14 Breaking the stability pact: was it predictable?, Luigi Bonatti and Annalisa Cristini
(download paper)
2007.15 Home production, labor taxation and trade account, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2007.16 The interaction between the central bank and a monopoly union revisited: does greater uncertainty about monetary policy reduce average inflation?, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2007.17 Complementary research strategies, first-mover advantage and the inefficiency of patents, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2007.18 Dual licensing in open source software markets, Stefano Comino and Fabio M. Manenti
(download paper)
2007.19 Evolution of preferences and cross-country differences in time devoted to market work, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2007.20 Aggregation of regional economic time series with different spatial correlation structures, Giuseppe Arbia and Marco Bee and Giuseppe Espa
(download paper)
2007.21 The sustainable enterprise. The multi-fiduciary perspective to the EU sustainability strategy, Giuseppe Danese
(download paper)
2007.22 Taming the Incomputable, Reconstructing the Nonconstructive and Deciding the Undecidable in Mathematical Economics, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2007.23 A Computable Economist’s Perspective on Computational Complexity, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2007.24 Models for Non-Exclusive Multinomial Choice, with Application to Indonesian Rural Households, Christopher L. Gilbert and Francesca Modena
(download paper)
2007.25 Have we been Mugged? Market Power in the World Coffee Industry, Christopher L. Gilbert
(download paper)
2007.26 A Stochastic Complexity Perspective of Induction in Economics and Inference in Dynamics, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2007.27 Local Credit and Territorial Development: General Aspects and the Italian Experience, Silvio Goglio
(download paper)
2007.28 Importance Sampling for Sums of Lognormal Distributions, with Applications to Operational Risk, Marco Bee
(download paper)
2007.29 Re-reading Jevons's Principles of Science - Induction Redux, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2007.30 Taking stock: global imbalances. Where do we stand and where are we aiming to?, Andrea Fracasso
(download paper)
2007.31 Rediscovering Fiscal Policy Through Minskyan Eyes, Philip Arestis and Elisabetta De Antoni
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2006
2006.1 On the role of public policies supporting Free/Open Source software. An European perspective, Stefano Comino, Fabio M. Manenti and Alessandro Rossi
(download paper)
2006.2 Back to Wicksell? In search of the foundations of practical monetary policy, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2006.3 The uses of the past, Axel Leijonhufvud
(download paper)
2006.4 Worker satisfaction and perceived fairness: result of a survey in public, and non-profit organizations, Ermanno Tortia
(download paper)
2006.5 Value chain analysis and market power in the commodity processing with application to the cocoa and coffee sectors, Christopher L. Gilbert
(download paper)
2006.6 Macroeconomic fluctuations and the firms' rate of growth distribution: evidence from UK and US quoted companies, Emiliano Santoro
(download paper)
2006.7 Heterogeneity and learning in inflation expectation formation: an empirical assessment, Damjan Pfajfar and Emiliano Santoro
(download paper)
2006.8 Good Law & Economics needs suitable microeconomic models: the case against the application of standard agency models to the professions, Lorenzo Sacconi
(download paper)
2006.9 Monetary policy through the “credit-cost channel”. Italy and Germany, Giuliana Passamani and Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2005
2005.1 The happiness paradox: a formal explanation from psycho-economics, Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
2005.2 Euro bonds: in search of financial spillovers, Stefano Schiavo
(download paper)
2005.3 On maximum likelihood estimation of operational loss distributions, Marco Bee
(download paper)
2005.4 An enclave-led model of growth:the structural problem of informality persistence in Latin America, Mario Cimoli, Annalisa Primi and Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
2005.5 A tree-based approach to forming strata in multipurpose business surveys, Roberto Benedetti, Giuseppe Espa and Giovanni Lafratta
(download paper)
2005.6 Price discovery in the aluminium market, Isabel Figuerola-Ferretti and Christopher L. Gilbert
(download paper)
2005.7 How is futures trading affected by the move to a computerized trading system? Lessons from the LIFFE FTSE 100 contract, Chistopher L. Gilbert and Herbert A. Rijken
(download paper)
2005.8 Can we link concessional debt service to commodity prices?, Christopher L. Gilbert and Alexandra Tabova
(download paper)
2005.9 On the feasibility and desirability of GDP-indexed concessional lending, Alexandra Tabova
(download paper)
2005.10 Un modello finanziario di breve periodo per il settore statale italiano: l'analisi relativa al contesto pre-unione monetaria, Bernardo Maggi and Giuseppe Espa
(download paper)
2005.11 Why does money matter? A structural analysis of monetary policy, credit and aggregate supply effects in Italy, Giuliana Passamani and Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2005.12 Conformity and reciprocity in the "exclusion game": an experimental investigation, Lorenzo Sacconi and Marco Faillo
(download paper)
2005.13 The foundations of computable general equilibrium theory, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2005.14 The impossibility of an effective theory of policy in a complex economy, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2005.15 Morishima's nonlinear model of the cycle:simplifications and generalizations, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2005.16 Using and producing ideas in computable endogenous growth, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2005.17 From Planning to Mature: on the Determinants of Open Source Take Off, Stefano Comino, Fabio M. Manenti and Maria Laura Parisi
(download paper)
2005.18 Capabilities, the self, and well-being: a research in psycho-economics, Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
2005.19 Fiscal and monetary policy, unfortunate events, and the SGP arithmetics. Evidence from a growth-gap model, Edoardo Gaffeo, Giuliana Passamani, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2005.20 Nonparametric and semiparametric evidence on the long-run effects of inflation on growth, Andrea Vaona and Stefano Schiavo
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2004
2004.1 Razionalità e motivazioni affettive: nuove idee dalla neurobiologia e pischiatria per la teoria economica, Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
2004.1 Rationality and affective motivation: new ideas from neurobiology and psychiatry for economic theory, Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
2004.2 The economic consequences of Mr. G.W. Bush's foreign policy. can the us afford it?, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2004.3 Fighting poverty as a worldwide goal, Rubens Ricupero
(download paper)
2004.4 Commodity prices and debt sustainability, Christopher L. Gilbert and Alexandra Tabova
(download paper)
2004.5 A primer on the tools and concept of computable economics, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2004.6 The unreasonable ineffectiveness of mathematics in economics, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2004.7 Hicksian Visions and Vignettes on (Non-Linear) Trade Cycle Theories, K. Vela Velupillai
(download paper)
2004.8 Trade, inequality and pro-poor growth: Two perspectives, one message?, Grabiella Berloffa and Maria Luigia Segnana
(download paper)
2004.9 Worker involvement in entrepreneurial nonprofit organizations. Toward a new assessment of workers' perceived satisfaction and fairness, Carlo Borzaga and Ermanno Tortia
(download paper)
2004.10 A Social Contract Account for CSR as Extended Model of Corporate Governance (Part I): Rational Bargaining and Justification, Lorenzo Sacconi
(download paper)
2004.11 A Social Contract Account for CSR as Extended Model of Corporate Governance (Part II): Compliance, Reputation and Reciprocity, Lorenzo Sacconi
(download paper)
2004.12 A Fuzzy Logic and Default Reasoning Model of Social Norm and Equilibrium Selection in Games under Unforeseen Contingencies, Lorenzo Sacconi and Stefano Moretti
(download paper)
2004.13 The Constitution of the Not-For-Profit Organisation: Reciprocal Conformity to Morality, Gianluca Grimalda and Lorenzo Sacconi
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2003
2003.1 The service paradox and endogenous economic growth, Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
2003.2 Mappe di probabilità di sito archeologico: un passo avanti, Giuseppe Espa, Roberto Benedetti, Anna De Meo e Salvatore Espa
(download paper)
2003.3 The long swings in economic understanding, Axel Leijonhufvud
(download paper)
2003.4 Dinamica strutturale e occupazione nei servizi, Giulia Felice
(download paper)
2003.5 The desirable organizational structure for evolutionary firms in static landscapes, Nicolas Garrido
(download paper)
2003.6 The financial markets and wealth effects on consumption - an experimental analysis, Matteo Ploner
(download paper)
2003.7 Economics and the complexity vision: chimerical partners or elysian adventurers, Kumaraswamy Velupillai
(download paper)
2003.8 Essays on computable economics, methodology and the philosophy of science, Kumaraswamy Velupillai
(download paper)
2003.9 Contratto d’area cooperativo contro il rischio sistemico di produzione in agricoltura, Luciano Pilati e Vasco Boatto
(download paper)
2003.10 Il contratto della docenza universitaria. Un problema multi-tasking, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2002
2002.1 The underground economy and the underdevelopment trap, Maria Rosaria Carillo and Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
2002.2 Interregional income redistribution and convergence in a model with perfect capital mobility and unionized labor markets, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2002.3 Firms’ bankruptcy and turnover in a macroeconomy, Marco Bee and Giuseppe Espa and Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2002.4 One "monetary giant" with many "fiscal dwarfs": The efficiency of macroeconomic stabilization policies in the European Monetary Union, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2002.5 The boom that never was? Latin American loans in London 1822-1825, Giorgio Fodor
(download paper)
2002.6 L’economia senza banditore di Axel Leijonhufvud: le ’Forze oscure del tempo e dell`ignoranza’ e la complessita` del coordinamento, Elisabetta De Antoni
(download paper)
2002.7 Why is trade between the European Union and the transition economies vertical?, Hubert Gabrisch and Maria Luigia Segnana
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2001
2001.1 The monetary transmission mechanism in Italy: the credit channel and a missing ring, Roberto Tamborini e Riccardo Fiorentini
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 2000
2000.1 A two-sector model of the effects of wage compression on unemployment and industry distribution of employment, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
2000.2 From Kuwait to Kosovo: what have we learned; reflections on globalization and peace, Roberto Tamborini
(download paper)
2000.3 Metodo e Valutazione in Economia. Dall’ Apriorismo a Friedman, Matteo Motterlini
(download paper)
2000.4 Under Tertiarisation and Unemployment, Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 1999
1999.1 L’economia della montagna interna italiana: un approccio storiografico, a cura di Andrea Leonardi e Andrea Bonoldi.
(download paper)
1999.2 Unemployment risk, labour force participation and savings, Gabriella Berloffa e Peter Simmons
1999.3 Economia sommersa, disoccupazione e crescita, Maurizio Pugno
(download paper)
1999.4 The nationalisation of the British Railways in Uruguay, Giorgio Fodor
(download paper)
1999.5 Elements for the history of the standard commodity, Giorgio Fodor
1999.6 Financial Market Imperfections, Heterogeneity and growth, Edoardo Gaffeo
(download paper)
1999.7 Growth, real interest, employment and wage determination, Luigi Bonatti
(download paper)
Discussion Papers 1998
1998.1 Assessing Accuracy in Transition Probability Matrices, Elena Cefis and Giuseppe Espa.
1998.2 Microfoundations: Adaptative or Optimizing?, Axel Leijonhufvud.
1998.3 Clower’s intellectual voyage: the ‘Ariadne’s thread’ of continuity through changes, Elisabetta De Antoni.
1998.4 The Persistence of Innovative Activities. A Cross-Countries and Cross-Sectors Comparative Analysis, Elena Cefis and Luigi Orsenigo
1998.5 Growth as a Coordination Failure, Stefano Bartolini and Luigi Bonatti
1998.6 Monetary Theory and Central Baking, Axel Leijonhufvud
1998.7 Monetary policy, credit and aggregate supply: the evidencefrom Italy, Riccardo Fiorentini and Roberto Tamborini
1998.8 Stability and multiple equilibria in a model of talent, rentseeking, and growth, Maurizio Pugno
1998.9 Two types of crisis, Axel Leijonhufvud
1998.10 Trade and labour markets: vertical and regional differentiationin Italy, Maria Luigia Segnana
1998.11 Utilizzo della rete neurale nella costruzione di un trading system, Giulio Pettenuzzo
1998.12 The impact of social security tax on the size of the informal economy, Luigi Bonatti
Discussion Papers 1997
1997.1 Imprenditorialità nelle alpi fra età moderna e contemporanea a cura, Luigi Trezzi.
1997.2 Il costo del denaro è uno strumento anti-inflazionistico?, Roberto Tamborini.
(Is the Interest Rate an Anti-Inflationary Tool? by Roberto Tamborini)
1997.3 A Stability Pact for the EMU?, Roberto Tamborini.
1997.4 Mr Keynes and the Moderns, Axel Leijonhufvud.
1997.5 The Wicksellian Heritage, Axel Leijonhufvud.
1997.6 On pension policies in open economies, Luca Beltrametti and Luigi Bonatti.
1997.7 The Multi-Stakeholders Versus the Nonprofit Organisation, Carlo Borzaga and Luigi Mittone.
1997.8 How can the Choice of a Tme-Consistent Monetary Policy have Systematic Real Effects?, Luigi Bonatti.
1997.9 Negative Externalities as the Cause of Growth in a NeoclassicalModel, Stefano Bartolini and Luigi Bonatti.
1997.10 Externalities and Growth in an Evolutionary Game, Angelo Antoci and Stefano Bartolini.
1997.11 An Investigation into the New Keynesian Macroeconomics of Imperfect Capital Markets, Roberto Tamborini.
Discussion Papers 1996
1996.1 Employment, Growth and Income Inequality: some open Questions, Annamaria Simonazzi and Paola Villa.
1996.2 Keynes' Idea of Uncertainty: a Proposal for its Quantification, Guido Fioretti.
1996.3 The Persistence of a "Low-Skill, Bad-Job Trap" in a Dynamic Model of a Dual Labor Market, Luigi Bonatti.
1996.4 Lebanon: from Development to Civil War, Silvio Goglio.
1996.5 A Mediterranean Perspective on the Break-Down of the Relationship between Participation and Fertility, Francesca Bettio and Paola Villa.
1996.6 Is there any persistence in innovative activities?, Elena Cefis.
Discussion Papers 1995
1995.1 A Kaldorian Model of Economic Growth with Shortage of Labour and Innovations, Maurizio Pugno.
1995.2 A che punto è la storia d'impresa? Una riflessione storiografica e due ricerche sul campo, a cura di Luigi Trezzi.
1995.3 Il futuro dell'impresa cooperativa: tra sistemi, reti ed ibridazioni, Luciano Pilati.
(The future of the cooperative enterprise: among systems, networks and hybridisation by Luciano Pilati)
1995.4 Sulla possibile indeterminatezza di un sistema pensionistico in perfetto equilibrio finanziario, Luca Beltrametti e Luigi Bonatti.
(On the indeterminacy of a perfectly balanced social security system by Luca Beltrametti and Luigi Bonatti)
1995.5 Two Goodwinian Models of Economic Growth for East Asian NICs, Maurizio Pugno.
1995.6 Increasing Returns and Externalities: Introducing Spatial Diffusion into Krugman's Economic Geography, Giuseppe Folloni and Gianluigi Gorla.
1995.7 Benefit of Economic Policy Cooperation in a Model with Current Account Dynamics and Budget Deficit, Luigi Bosco.
1995.8 Coalition and Cooperation in Interdependent Economies, Luigi Bosco.
1995.9 La finanza pubblica italiana e l'ingresso nell'unione monetaria europea, Ferdinando Targetti.
(Italian Public Finance and the Entry in the EMU by Ferdinando Targetti)
Discussion Papers 1994
1994.1 Un'interpretazione della crescita regionale: leaders, attività indotte e conseguenze di policy, Giuseppe Folloni e Silvio Giove.
(A Hypothesis about regional Growth: Leaders, induced Activities and Policy by Giuseppe Folloni and Silvio Giove)
1994.2 Tax evasion and moral constraints: some experimental evidence, Luigi Bosco and Luigi Mittone.
Discussion Papers 1993
1993.1 La tutela dei soggetti "privi di mezzi": Criteri e procedure per la valutazione della condizione economica, Gianfranco Cerea
(Public policies for the poor: criteria and procedures for a novel means test by Gianfranco Cerea)
1993.2 La tutela dei soggetti "privi di mezzi": un modello matematico per la rappresentazione della condizione economica, Wolfgang J. Irler
(Public policies for the poor: a mathematical model for a novel means test by Wolfgang J.Irler)
1993.3 Quasi-markets and Uncertainty: the Case of General Proctice Service, Luigi Mittone
1993.4 Aggregation of Individual Demand Functions and Convergence to Walrasian Equilibria, Dario Paternoster
1993.5 A Learning Experiment with Classifier System: the Determinants of the Dollar-Mark Exchange Rate, Luca Beltrametti, Luigi Marengo and Roberto Tamborini
1993.6 Alcune considerazioni sui paesi a sviluppo recente, Silvio Goglio
(Latecomer Countries: Evidence and Comments by Silvio Goglio)
1993.7 Italia ed Europa: note sulla crisi dello SME, Luigi Bosco
(Italy and Europe: Notes on the Crisis of the EMS by Luigi Bosco)
1993.8 Un contributo all'analisi del mutamento strutturale nei modelli input-output, Gabriella Berloffa
(Measuring Structural Change in Input-Output Models: a Contribution by Gabriella Berloffa)
1993.9 On Competing Theories of Economic Growth: a Cross-country Evidence, Maurizio Pugno
1993.10 Le obbligazioni comunali, Carlo Buratti
(Municipal Bonds by Carlo Buratti)
1993.11 Due saggi sull'organizzazione e il finanziamento della scuola statale, Carlo Buratti
(Two Essays on the Organization and Financing of Italian State Schools by Carlo Buratti)
Discussion Papers 1992
1992.1 Can People Learn Rational Expectations? An Ecological Approach, Pier Luigi Sacco.
1992.2 On Cash Dividends as a Social Institution, Luca Beltrametti.
1992.3 Politica tariffaria e politica informativa nell'offerta di servizi pubblici, Luigi Mittone
(Pricing and Information Policy in the Supply of Public Services by Luigi Mittone)
1992.4 Technological Change, Technological Systems, Factors of Production, Gilberto Antonelli and Giovanni Pegoretti.
1992.5 Note in tema di progresso tecnico, Geremia Gios e Claudio Miglierina.
(Notes on Technical Progress, by Geremia Gios and Claudio Miglierina)
1992.6 Deflation in Input Output Tables, Giuseppe Folloni and Claudio Miglierina.
1992.7 Riduzione della complessità decisionale: politiche normative e produzione di informazione, Luigi Mittone
(Reduction in decision complexity: normative policies and information production by Luigi Mittone)
1992.8 Single Market Emu and Widening. Responses to Three Institutional Shocks in the European Community, Pier Carlo Padoan and Marcello Pericoli
Discussion Papers 1991
1991.1 Consumer Behaviour under Conditions of Incomplete Information on Quality: a Note, Pilati Luciano and Giuseppe Ricci.
1991.2 Current Account and Budget Deficit in an Interdependent World, Luigi Bosco.
1991.3 Scelte di consumo, qualità incerta e razionalità limitata, Luigi Mittone e Roberto Tamborini.
(Consumer Choice, Unknown Quality and Bounded Rationality by Luigi Mittone and Roberto Tamborini)
1991.4 Jumping in the Band: Undeclared Intervention Thresholds in a Target Zone, Renzo G. Avesani and Giampiero M. Gallo.
1991.5 The World Tranfer Problem. Capital Flows and the Adjustment of Payments, Roberto Tamborini
Discussion Papers 1990
1990.1 Le scelte organizzative e localizzative dell'amministrazione postale: un modello intrpretativo, Gianfranco Cerea
(The Post Service's Organizational and Locational Choices: An Interpretative Model by Gianfranco Cerea)
1990.2 Towards a Consistent Characterization of the Financial Economy, Roberto Tamborini
1990.3 Nuova macroeconomia classica ed equilibrio economico generale:considerazioni sulla pretesa matrice walrasiana della N.M.C., Giuseppe Chirichiello.
(New Classical Macroeconomics and General Equilibrium: Some Notes on the Alleged Walrasian Matrix of the N.C.M.by Giuseppe Chirichiello)
1990.4 Exchange Rate Changes and Price Determination in Polypolistic Markets, Roberto Tamborini
1990.5 Congestione urbana e politiche del traffico. Un'analisi economica, Giuseppe Folloni e Gianluigi Gorla.
(Urban Congestion and Traffic Policy. An Economic Analysis by Giuseppe Folloni and Gianluigi Gorla)
1990.6 Il ruolo della qualità nella domanda di servizi pubblici.Un metodo di analisi empirica, Luigi Mittone.
(The Role of Quality in the Demand for Public Services. A Methodology for Empirical Analysis by Luigi Mittone)
Discussion Papers 1989
1989.1 Knowledge and Prediction of Economic Behaviour: Towards A Constructivist Approach, Roberto Tamborini
1989.2 Export Stabilization and Optimal Currency Baskets: the Case of Latin American Countries, Renzo G.Avesani Giampiero M. Gallo and Peter Pauly
1989.3 Quali garanzie per i sottoscrittori di titoli di Stato?Una rilettura del rapporto della Commissione Economica dell'Assemblea Costituente, Franco Spinelli e Danilo Vismara
(What Guarantees to the Treasury Bill Holders? The Report of the Assemblea Costituente Economic Commission Reconsidered by Franco Spinelli and Danilo Vismara)
1989.4 L'intervento pubblico nell'economia della "Venezia Tridentina" durante l'immediato dopoguerra, Angelo Moioli (The Public Intervention in "Venezia Tridentina" Economy in the First War Aftermath by Angelo Moioli)
1989.5 L'economia lombarda verso la maturità dell'equilibrio agricolo-commerciale durante l'età delle riforme, Angelo Moioli
(The Lombard Economy Towards the Agriculture-Trade Equilibrium in the Reform Age by Angelo Moioli)
1989.6 L'identificazione delle allocazioni dei fattori produttivi con il duale, Quirino Paris e Luciano Pilati.
(Identification of Factor Allocations Through the Dual Approach by Quirino Paris and Luciano Pilati)