COMMUNICATION - 03/04/2021. From Tuesday, April 6, Trentino will return in the "orange zone". In-presence teaching activities will start on Monday, April 12.
Teaching in the second semester of the 2020/21 academic year has been designed to assist in the smooth transition and performance of any possible ‘weaker’ categories present in the classroom:
students in the first year of the undergraduate courses;
students in the first year of the MSc programmes in order to facilitate group activities.
In addition, within the course design for the upcoming semester, the elective courses will be offered as online modules.
"Blended learning" is a learning path that includes face to face and online activities. In suitably equipped classrooms, the teacher can hold a lesson in person, delivering it simultaneously in online mode to an audience of students connected remotely, or depositing it for subsequent asynchronous use on the online teaching platforms.
I and II year
At least two courses considered important from the point of view of content and knowledge, will be offered as blended learning.
III year
The courses will be offered online.
Gestione aziendale part-time (Part-time Course in Business Management)
For the part-time track, courses identified as core to learning will be offered in blended mode in the I and II year, III and IV year courses will be delivered online. The course has dedicated classroom tutors.
Economics and Management - English track
For the track taught in English, two courses will be offered as blended learning.
Master degree courses in Italian
From one to two courses of the first and second year will be offered as blended learning. One classroom tutor will be recruited for each master degree programme in Italian, as well as two tutors for the master's degree in Management.
It was not possible to provide blended lessons for the first year of the Master's degree programme in Finance.
Master degree courses in English
EMBS - European master in business studies. Courses will be offered online.
BEA - Behavioural and Applied Economics, MIM - International management. From one to two courses of the first and second year will be offered as blended learning. All other first and second year activities will be carried out online.
MAIN - Innovation management. (News January 26) The course "Industrial Dynamics" (prof. Gabriele) will be offered as blended learning.
The following is the detailed plan for each course of study. Divided into course year, it contains the list of teaching activities offered as blended learning. Further information on the modality and the division of hours will be provided by the member of staff responsible for teaching the course in question.
Gestione Aziendale (Business Management)
First year
- Diritto pubblico - Public law (6 credits)
- Diritto privato - Private law (6 credits)
- Analisi dei dati e statistica - Data analysis and statistics (8 CFU)
- Second year
- Finanza aziendale - Business finance (8 credits)
- Economia - Economics (8 credits)
Gestione Aziendale (Business Management) – part-time track
- First year
- Matematica - Mathematics (12 credits)
- Second year
- Diritto pubblico - Public law (6 CFU)
Amministrazione Aziendale e Diritto (Business Administration and Law)
First year
- Diritto pubblico - Public law (6 credits)
- Diritto privato - Private law (6 credits)
- Analisi dei dati e statistica - Data analysis and statistics (8 CFU)
- Second year
- Diritto del lavoro - Labor law (8 credits)
- Economia - Economics (8 credits)
Economia e Management - Economics and Management
- First year
- Analisi dei dati e statistica - Data analysis and statistics (8 CFU)
- Introduzione al diritto - Introduction to law (12 credits)
- Second year
- Statistica, probabilità e inferenza - Statistics, probability and inference (8 credits)
- Macroeconomia - Macroeconomics (8 credits)
Economics and Management – English track
- First year
- Data Analysis and Statistics (8 credits)
- Introduction to Law and Regulation (12 credits)
Economia e Legislazione d’Impresa - Economics and Company Legislation
- First year
- Finanza aziendale 2 - Corporate finance 2 (8 credits)
- Diritto tributario 2 - Tax law 2 (12 credits)
- Second year
- Laboratori per la professione, modulo Operazioni straordinarie - Laboratories for the profession, Extraordinary operations module (2 credits)
- Laboratori per la professione, modulo Sistemi informativi aziendali - Laboratories for the profession, Corporate Information Systems module (2 credits)
Finanza - Finance
- Second year
- Finanza aziendale avanzata - Advanced corporate finance (6 credits)
- Calcolo stocastico progredito - Advanced Stochastic Calculus (3 credits)
- First year
- Marketing progredito - Advanced marketing (8 credits)
- Strategia progredito - Advanced strategy (8 credits)
- Second year
- Finanza aziendale progredito – Advanced corporate strategy (6 credits) – Direzione aziendale track
Management della Sostenibilità e del Turismo - Sustainability and Tourism Management
- First year
- Sistema di gestione e certificazione per la qualità e l’ambiente - Management and certification system for quality and environment (8 credits)
Master in Behavioural and Applied Economics
- First year
- Econometrics (8 credits)
- Performance analysis and business analytics (6 credits)
- Second year
- Data mining and statistical learning (6 credits)
- Public policies: module A - Nudging (6 credits)
Master in International Management
- First year
- Quantitative Methods for Market Analysis (6 credits)
- Second year
- International Contracts Law (6 credits)
Master in Innovation Management
- First year
- Industrial dynamics (8 credits)
The detailed timetable of the lessons will be published soon.