Going abroad

The Department of Economics and Management offers the possibility to take part in different International Mobility programs with more than 100 Partner Universities for study, traineeship and thesis research abroad. You will find more details, such as application process, Partner University, procedures, etc... in the webpage of each Programme:

Every year the International Mobility Office organizes the Informative Meetings to provide the students of the Department of Economics and Management with information on the international mobility exchange opportunities.

The Selection calls are available at the UniTrento International Mobility Programs.


International Mobility Office - Social Sciences and Humanities Area
Via Tommaso Gar 16/2, 38122 Trento
Tel. + 39 0461 282386 (Erasmus for study and Double Degree)
+39 0461 282275 (Bilateral Agreements)
+39 0461 281745 (Thesis Research abroad and Traineeship abroad)
Helpdesk on Tuesday 3-4 pm (online) and Thursday 10.30-12 am (face to face) only upon advanced booking.

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