Link utili Doctor EuropaeusDoctoral scholarshipsDoctoral thesis co-tutelleRights and duties of doctoral studentsDownload Regolamento interno - corso di dottorato SUSTEEMS - dal 38° ciclo(PDF | 253 KB) last update 01/06/2022 Regulations of the Doctoral Programme in SUSTEEMS(PDF | 266 KB) last update 29/05/2020 Regolamento di Ateneo in materia di Dottorato di Ricerca - dal 38° ciclo(PDF | 307 KB) last update 27/02/2023 University Regulations for Doctoral Programmes(PDF | 318 KB) last update 21/04/2023 University and PhD programme regulations are available in the download section. Other important information about the PhD programmes at UNITN can be found in the Useful links section.