The doctoral curriculum consists of a taught component and supervised individual research. It is designed to be completed in four years.

During the first year, students dedicate 100% of their time to course attendance.

In the second year, students dedicate only 40% of their time to training and the remaining time to research. In their third and final years, student dedicate almost all their time to research – 80% - along with the attendance of specific workshops, summer schools or seminars related to their research project.

Students have a choice of two separate paths, namely Behavioural Economics and Management.

Teaching Programme - Academic Year 2022-23


1st Term

Oct. - Dec 2022


  • Statistics and Regression - Prof. Taufer (36 hours) - UNITN*
  • Behavioural Economics - Prof. Mittone (joint course - master BEA - 48 hours) - UNITN
  • Game Theory - Prof. Andreozzi (joint course - master BEA - 48 hours) - UNITN
  • Applied Microeconometrics - Prof. Stillman (18 hours) - UNIBZ*
  • Time Series - Prof. Di Lascio and Prof. Ravazzolo (30 hours) - UNIBZ*

2nd Term

Jan-March 2023



  • Applied Econometrics - Prof. Fezzi (24 hours) - UNITN*
  • Experimental Economics: Data Workflow - Prof. Ploner (16 hours) - UNITN
  • Managerial decision making - Prof. Zona (36 hours) - UNITN
  • Performance analysis - Prof. Zaninotto (18 hours - jointly with Susteems PhD programme)
  • Research Methodology - Prof. Costa (16 hours), Prof. Frigotto (16 hours)
  • Academic Writing for the Social Sciences - Sarah Haigh - jointly with SRS and SUSTEEMS PhD programmes
  • Advanced Academic Writing - TBA - jointly with SRS and SUSTEEMS PhD programmes

* courses in cooperation with the Free University of Bolzano - Bozen (UNIBZ) and the PhD programme in Susteems.

First Year (term 1 and 2): Courses are mandatory. Examination and pass/fail rules are specified below. Admission to the second year is conditional upon fulfilment of all the requirements. 

Second Year: At the end of the third semester students shall hand in their Project Proposal. The First Research paper is due at the end of the Second Year.

Third Year: Research for and writing of the Doctoral dissertation. The Second research paper, i.e. work-in-progress and preliminary results of the research, is due during the 3rd year.

Fourth Year: Research, thesis submission and viva.

Other Requirements

A wide range of seminars (nearly 30 per year) and tutorials (2 per year) is offered. Attendance is considered an integral part of the programme requirements.


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