The Doctoral Programme Committee

  • defines the contents of the call for applications for the Doctoral Programme;
  • organizes the teaching programme and other training activities of the programme;
  • assigns to each Doctoral student a tutor, a supervisor and one or more co-supervisors;
  • supervises the research results of each Doctoral student;
  • authorizes students to go abroad for training periods of more than six months;
  • approves participation of the students in internships organized at Italian and foreign public bodies or private organizations if the internship lasts longer than six months;
  • approves the co-tutelle agreements of in-coming and out-going students;
  • authorizes students to undertake teaching, ancillary or supplementary activities, and extra-research activities;
  • at the end of each academic year, approves or denies admission of the students to the following year
  • selects at least two professors/experts to evaluate the student’s thesis;
  • submits to the Rector the names of the members of the Final Examination Committee.

The current Doctoral Programme Committee is the following:




Andreozzi Luciano 

University of Trento

SECS-P/01 - Economics

Evolutionary game theory, Repeated games, and reputation, Other regarding preferences, Decision under uncertainty

Bazzana Flavio

University of Trento

SECS-P/11 - Financial Markets and Institutions

Market microstructure and high-frequency trading

Bee Marco 

University of Trento SECS-S/03 - Economic Statistics

Boffa Federico

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/06 - Applied economics

Economics of self-driving and electric vehicles, The role of public opinion on quality of government, The microeconomics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Bonacchi Massimiliano

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/07 - Business Administration and Management

Earnings quality in Private Firms, The effect of Culture on Earning quality, Customer Analytics: how to use customer data to make better

Cascarano Michele Bank of Italy SECS-P/01 - Economics

Curi Claudia

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/09 - Finance

Mergers and asset restructuring in the digital financial industry, Artificial Intelligence in banking, Banks, regulation, and performance.

De Luca Giacomo

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/01 - Economics

Political Economics, Development Economics, Organised Crime.

Di Lascio Francesca Marta Lilja

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-S/01 - Statistics

Dependence and Copula Models with emphasis on extreme Clustering Techniques with emphasis on time series data analysis.

Faillo Marco 

University of Trento

SECS-P/02 - Economic policy

Institutional Economics, Behavioral Economics, Cooperation and social preferences

Fedele Alessandro

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/02 - Economic policy

Applied Theory Topics in Political Economy and Health Economics, Social Economy, Industrial Organization.

Ferrari Davide

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-S/01 - Statistics

Analysis of high-dimensional network data with applications in economics and finance, Model selection and assessment of model uncertainty for big econometric data, and Statistical modeling for multivariate spatiotemporal data.

Furlanetto Francesco

Central Bank Norges Bank and Norwegian Business School

SECS-P/01 - Economics

Macroeconomics (Business cycle fluctuations, DSGE and SVAR models, monetary policy, immigration, labor markets).

Gabriele Roberto 

University of Trento

SECS-P/06 - Applied economics

Public policy evaluation of Industrial and innovation policies, Industry diversification and growth patterns of firms, Coevolution of firms’ technology and competencies

Gaffeo Edoardo 

University of Trento SECS-P/02 - Economic policy

Giuliani Diego 

University of Trento

SECS-S/03 - Economic Statistics

Statistical analysis and modelling of microgeographic data, Spatial econometrics,
Empirical regional science

Halla Martin

Johannes Kepler University Lienz SECS-P/01 - Economics

Kiesel Florian

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano SECS-P/09 - Finance

Mittone Luigi 

University of Trento SECS-P/01 - Economics

Moradi Alexander

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/01 - Economics

Public Sector Economics, Development Economics, Economic History

Morreale Azzurra

Lappeeranta University of Technology SECS-P/01 - Economics

Paterlini Sandra 

University of Trento

SECS-S/06 - Mathematical methods of economy, finance and actuarial sciences

Quantitative finance, Risk management, Sustainable Finance, Machine learning

Pieri Fabio

University of Trento

SECS-P/06 - Applied economics

Microeconometric analyses of firm heterogeneity, Productivity, firm growth (high-growth firms and firm decline), and innovation in the face of external shocks, Technical change and internal organization of firms: hierarchies and workforce characteristics

Ploner Matteo 

University of Trento SECS-P/01 - Economics

Ponzetto Giacomo

Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

SECS-P/06 - Applied economics

Political economics, Economic geography and international trade.

Pronobis Paul Free University of Bozen-Bolzano SECS-P/07 - Business Administration and Management

Ravazzolo Francesco

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/05 - Econometrics

Econometrics of large and big database, Energy economics; macro finance, Bayesian estimation of structural models.

Savadori Lucia 

University of Trento

M-PSI/01 - General psychology

Behavioral economics, Decision-making, Risk perception, and Group decision-making.

Siming Per Linus

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/11 - Financial Markets and Institutions

Culture and Finance: The impact of cultural origin on financial outcomes, State Awards & Corporate Behavior: The interplay between nonpecuniary awards and financial outcomes, Identification using Historical Financial Data: Using historical settings to
mitigate endogeneity concerns.

Stillman Steven

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/03 - Public economics

Immigration and Population Economics, Health Economics, Empirical Topics in Labor Economics

Tamborini Roberto 

University of Trento

SECS-P/01 - Economics

Macroeconomics, business cycles, and monetary policy, Macroeconomics and finance, European Economic and Monetary Union

Taufer Emanuele 

University of Trento

SECS-S/01 - Statistics

Multivariate moments and cumulants, graphical models, tail estimation with applications in finance.

Tomasi Chiara

University of Trento

SECS-P/06 - Applied economics

Trade policy and firm performance in international markets, Productivity, markups and misallocation of resources, Labour market mismatch and firm productivity.

Tonin Mirco

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-P/02 - Economic policy

Field Experiments in Behavioral Personnel Economics, The Economics of Charitable Giving.

Vatiero Massimiliano

University of Trento

SECS-P/01 - Economics

Contract Theory, Transaction Cost Economics, Law & Economics; Theory of the Firm, Corporate governance, CSR.

Weissensteiner Alex

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

SECS-S/06 - Mathematical methods of economy, finance and actuarial sciences

Financial Asset Allocation under Parameter Uncertainty, Theoretical and Empirical Asset Pricing,
Estimating the economic impact of Covid-19 with quantitative finance tools.