The Department of Economics and Management has signed about 100 Agreements (with more than 200 available places) with Partner Universities within the Erasmus+ Program.
Check the interactive map of the Partner Universities 2024-25
While searching for the Partner University you should:
- check that the Partner University is open to the level of the Course of study you are enrolled in (Bachelor, Master, PhD)
- check that the course catalogue of the Partner University fits with your study plan (links to the Partner University's website is available below)
Check below the list of compatibility between the field of the Agreement and the Course of study:
Field (ISCED) | Bachelor | Master |
Business and Administration | Business Administration and Law, Business Management, Economics and Management | Management, International Management, Economics and Business Legislation, Management of Sustainability and Tourism |
Economics | Business Management, Economics and Management | Behavioural and Applied Economics, Finance, International Management, Management, Economics and Business Legislation |
Finance, banking and insurance | - | Finance |
Marketing and advertising | Business Management, Economics and Management | - |
University of Graz (A GRAZ01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Applied Sciences Kufstein (A KUFSTEI01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
Management Center Innsbruck (A INNSBRU08) - Prof.ssa Luisa Mich
Leopold-Franzenzs Universität Innsbruck (A INNSBRU01) only Master in Finance - Prof. Marco Bee
University of Antwerp (B ANTWERP01) - Prof. Andrea Francesconi
Howest - University of Applied Sciences (B KORTRIK03) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
KU Lueven (B LEUVEN01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Brno University of Technology (CZ BRNO01) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague UCT (CZ PRAHA01) - School of Business UCT - Prof. Matteo Ploner
CULS - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZ PRAHA02) - Prof. Alessandro Rossi
Czech Technical University in Prague - CTU PRAGUE (CZ PRAHA10) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
University of New York in Prague (CZ PRAHA40) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Tallin University of Technology - TalTech (EE TALLINN04) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
University of Eastern Finland (SF KUOPIO12) - Campus Joensuu/campus Kuopio - Prof. Matteo Ploner
Lappeenranta University of Technology (SF LAPPEN01) - Prof. Marco Bee
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SF SEINAJO06) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
Åbo Akademi University (SF TURKU02) - Prof.ssa Roberta Cuel
University of Bordeaux (F BORDEAU58) - Prof. Alessandro Rossi
IAE University of Savoie Mont Blanc (F CHAMBER01) - Prof.ssa Roberta Cuel
IUT University of Savoie Mont Blanc (F CHAMBER01) - Prof.ssa Roberta Cuel
University of Lille - IAE Lille School of Management (F LILLE103) - Prof. Alessandro Rossi
Catholic University of Lyon (F LYON10) - Prof. Alberto Nucciarelli
EM LYON BUSINESS SCHOOL A.E.S.C.R.A. (F LYON23) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
The Pôle Léonard de Vinci (F PARIS270) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (F PARIS085) - Master in Finance only, Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
University of Strasbourg (F STRASBO48) - Agreement with the Faculté de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, prof. Alessandro Rossi
German as a teaching language
Freie Universitaet Berlin (D BERLIN01) for Bachelor students - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
TUD - Dresden University of Technology (D DRESDEN02) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Greifswald (D GREIFS01) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
English and German as teaching language:
Freie Universitaet Berlin (D BERLIN01) - for Master students only (suggested for BEA students) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Bremen (D BREMEN01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Cologne (D KOLN01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Deggendorf Institute of Technology (D DEGGEND01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Applied Sciences Dresden HTW (D DRESDEN01) - Prof. Sandro Trento
Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (D EICHSTA01) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
TU Bergakademie Freiberg (D FREIBER01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
European University Viadrina Frankfurt am Oder (D FRANKFU08) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
University of Hannover (D HANNOVE01) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (D JENA01) - Prof. Luigi Mittone
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (D KARLSRU01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
Kassel University (D KASSEL01) - Prof.ssa Roberta Cuel
Leipzig University (D LEIPZIG01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg (D MAGDEBU01) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
FH MAINZ - University of Applied Sciences (D MAINZ08) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Münster (D MUNSTER01) - Prof. Diego Ponte
Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences (D NURNBER02) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
University of Oldenburg (D OLDENBU01) - Prof. Roberto Tamborini
University of Pforzheim (D PFORZHE01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Regensburg (D REGENSB01) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
University of Hohenheim (D STUTTGA02) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Trier University (D TRIER01) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
Rheinmain University of Applied Sciences (D WIESBAD01) - Prof. Andrea Bonoldi
University of Würzburg (D WURZBUR01) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
Budapest Eötvös Lorand University ELTE (HU BUDAPES01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Corvinus University of Budapest (HU BUDAPES03) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
University of Pécs (HU PECS01) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
University of Latvia (LV RIGA01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas (LT KAUNAS01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Kaunas University of Technology (LT KAUNAS02) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
The Arctic University of Norway (N TROMSO01) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
University of Stavanger (N STAVANG01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
University of Technology Eindhoven (NL EINDHOV17) - Prof. Alberto Nucciarelli
University of Twente (NL ENSCHED01) - Prof. Alberto Nucciarelli
Erasmus University of Rotterdam, School of Economics (NL ROTTERD01) - Prof. Alberto Nucciarelli
University of Gdansk (PL GDANSK01) - Prof. Andrea Francesconi
Cracow University of Economics (PL KRAKOW04) - Prof. Andrea Francesconi
University of Lodz (PL LODZ01) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
University of Warsaw (PL WARSAW01) - Prof. Andrea Francesconi
Wroclaw University of Economics (PL WROCLAW03) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
University of Aveiro (P AVEIRO01) - Prof. Ricardo Alberto Marques Pereira
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (P LEIRIA01) - Prof. Ricardo Alberto Marques Pereira
Bucharest University of Economics Studies (RO BUCURES01) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
Spanish as teaching language:
University of Alcalà de Henares (E ALCAL-H01) - Prof. Andrea Francesconi
University of Burgos (E BURGOS01) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
Universidad de Cordoba (E CORDOBA01) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
CEU Cardinal Herrera University (E VALENCI08) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
Universidad de Valladolid (E VALLADO01) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
Spanish and English as teaching language:
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (E BARCELO02) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (E MADRID04) - Prof. Michele Andreaus
Carlos III University of Madrid (E MADRID14) - Prof. Ermanno Celeste Tortia
University of Leon (E LEON01) - Prof.ssa Roberta Cuel
University of Jaen (E JAEN01) - Prof. Ermanno Celeste Tortia
San Pablo CEU University (E MADRID21) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
ESIC Madrid School of Marketing and Business (E MADRID232) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
University of Malaga (E MALAGA01) - Prof. Andrea Francesconi
EDEM Escuela de Empresarios (E VALENCI90) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
University of Zaragoza (E ZARAGOZ01) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
Chalmers University of Technology (S GOTEBOR02) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Umeå University (S UMEA01) - Prof. Marco Bee
Linnaeus University (S VAXJO03) - Prof. Ernesto D'Avanzo
Universitaet Basel (CH BASEL01) - Prof.ssa Sandra Paterlini
Hes-So Genève - University of Applied Sciences (CH DELEMON02) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (CH ST.GALL08) - Prof. Matteo Ploner
Istanbul University (TR ISTANBU03) - Prof. Alessandro Rossi
University of Bradford (UK BRADFOR01) - English language requirements - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti
Sheffield Hallam University (UK SHEFFIE02) - Prof.ssa Paola Masotti