The Department of Economics and Management has signed about 100 Agreements (and more than 200 available places) with Partner Universities within the Erasmus+ Program.
Check the interactive map of the Partner Universities 2024-25
French Language area
English and French Language area
- University of Savoie (F CHAMBER01) - IAE Institut d'Administration des Entreprises
- University of Savoie (F CHAMBER01) - IUT Institut Universitaire de Technologie
- University of Lille - IAE Lille School of Management (F LILLE103)
- Catholic University of Lyon (F LYON10)
- Pôle Léonard de Vinci (F PARIS270)
- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (F PARIS085) - suggested for students enrolled in the Master in Finance
- University of Strasbourg (F STRASBO48) - Agreement with the Faculté de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion
Portuguese Language area
Portuguese and English Language area
Spanish Language area
- University of Alcalà de Henares (E ALCAL-H01)
- University of Burgos (E BURGOS01)
- Universidad de Cordoba (E CORDOBA01)
- CEU Cardinal Herrera University (E VALENCI08)
- Universidad de Valladolid (E VALLADO01)
Spanish and English Language area
- Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (E BARCELO02)
- Carlos III University of Madrid (E MADRID14)
- Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (E BARCELO02)
- University of Leon (E LEON01)
- University of Jaen (E JAEN01)
- San Pablo CEU University (E MADRID21)
- ESIC Madrid School of Marketing and Business (E MADRID232)
- University of Malaga (E MALAGA01)
- EDEM Escuela de Empresarios (E VALENCI90)
- University of Zaragoza (E ZARAGOZ01)
German Language area
- Freie University of Berlin (D BERLIN01) - for Bachelor students
- TUD - Dresden University of Technology (D DRESDEN02)
- University of Greifswald (D GREIFS01)
German and English Language area
- University of Graz (A GRAZ01)
- University of Applied Sciences Kufstein (A KUFSTEI01)
- Management Center Innsbruck (A INNSBRU08)
- Universitaet Basel (CH BASEL01)
- Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences OST (CH ST.GALL08)
- Freie Universitaet Berlin (D BERLIN01) - suggested for BEA students
- University of Bremen (D BREMEN01)
- Deggendorf Institute of Technology (D DEGGEND01)
- University of Applied Sciences Dresden HTW (D DRESDEN01)
- Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (D EICHSTA01)
- TU Bergakademie Freiberg (D FREIBER01)
- European University Viadrina Frankfurt am Oder (D FRANKFU08)
- University of Hannover (D HANNOVE01)
- Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (D JENA01)
- KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (D KARLSRU01)
- Kassel University (D KASSEL01)
- University of Cologne (D KOLN01)
- Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg (D MAGDEBU01)
- FH MAINZ - University of Applied Sciences (D MAINZ08)
- University of Münster (D MUNSTER01)
- Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences (D NURNBER02)
- University of Oldenburg (D OLDENBU01)
- University of Regensburg (D REGENSB01)
- University of Pforzheim (D PFORZHE01)
- Trier University (D TRIER01)
- Rheinmain University of Applied Sciences (D WIESBAD01)
- University of Würzburg (D WURZBUR01)
English Language area
- Leopold-Franzenzs Universität Innsbruck (A INNSBRU01) - for students enrolled in the Master of Finance
- University of Antwerp (B ANTWERP01)
- Howest - University of Applied Sciences (B KORTRIK03)
- KU Lueven (B LEUVEN01)
Czech Republic
- Brno University of Technology (CZ BRNO01)
- University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague UCT (CZ PRAHA01) - School of Business UCT
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague CULS (CZ PRAHA02)
- Czech Technical University in Prague - CTU PRAGUE (CZ PRAHA10)
- University of New York in Prague (CZ PRAHA40)
- Corvinus University of Budapest (HU BUDAPES03)
- Budapest Eötvös Lorand University ELTE (HU BUDAPES01)
- University of Pécs (HU PECS01)
The Netherlands
- University of Technology Eindhoven (NL EINDHOV17)
- University of Twente (NL ENSCHED01)
- Erasmus University of Rotterdam (NL ROTTERD01) - Agreement with School of Economics
- University of Gdansk (PL GDANSK01)
- Cracow University of Economics (PL KRAKOW04)
- University of Lodz (PL LODZ01)
- Wroclaw University of Economics (PL WROCLAW03)
- Chalmers University of Technology (S GOTEBOR02)
- Umeå University (S UMEA01)
- Linnaeus University (S VAXJO03) - Campus Vaxjo e campus Kalmar
- University of Eastern Finland (SF KUOPIO12) - Campus Joensuu/campus Kuopio
- Lappeenranta University of Technology (SF LAPPEN01)
- Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SF SEINAJO06)
- Åbo Akademi University (SF TURKU02)
United Kingdom