Nonlinear Dynamics in Economic Modelling
Celebrating the contributions of women to dynamical systems theory
12 – 13 marzo 2009
Prof. Kumaraswamy Velupillai e prof. Stefano Zambelli
Conferenza internazionale “Le relazioni bilaterali: l’economia e la finanza. Die Bilateralen Beziehungen im Wirtschafts- und Finanzbereich”.
4-5 dicembre, 2008
Prof. Andrea Leonardi
Conferenza internazionale “Apparent Antithesis: Globalisation and Local Development”
9-11 ottobre 2008
Prof. Bruno Dallago - School on Local Development
International Summer School: “Why isn’t ethics a behavioural science?”
25-28 settembre 2009
Prof. Lorenzo Sacconi - LASER
International Workshop: “Perspectives on the theory of we thinking”
23-24 settembre 2008
Prof. Lorenzo Sacconi - LASER
Ninth International Summer School: “Intensive course in Financial Instability and Crises”
30 giugno -11 luglio 2008
Prof. Luigi Mittone - CEEL
Smmer School Institute “Behavioral Economics”
15-26 giugno 2008
Prof. Luigi Mittone - CEEL
International Workshop: “Local Development and Global Dynamic”
12-13 giugno 2008
Prof. Bruno Dallago - School on Local Development
International Workshop: “U-Know, "Understanding the Relationship between Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Enlarging European Union"
10 giugno 2008
Prof. Carlo Borzaga e prof. Luigi Mittone
International Workshop: “What is the Behavioral in Behavioral Economics?”
5-6 giugno 2008
Prof. Luigi Mittone - CEEL
International Workshop: “Agent-Based Modelling in Economics and Finance: A Tutorial Workshop”
19-20 Maggio 2008
Prof. Kumaraswamy Velupillai e prof. Stefano Zambelli
Research Day. A one-day event to discuss the research going on at the Department of Economics
8 maggio 2008
Prof.ssa Gabriella Berloffa e dott. Edoardo Gaffeo